Dolores Cannon developed QHHT through her extensive research and experience, offering an effective means of accessing past lives and connecting to your Higher Self for wisdom, healing and spiritual connection.
As QHHT becomes more widely practiced in Australia, clients have experienced profound healing and personal growth through this ancient technique. Their testimonials showcase its power to help individuals uncover answers, reconnect with themselves and heal physical ailments.
What is QHHT?
Dolores Cannon developed the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique as a unique form of hypnotherapy that guides people into an inducible somnambulistic trance state to access your subconscious mind, the repository of infinite knowledge and wisdom. Through this process, past lives may be explored along with physical and emotional healing processes being applied as well as insight into life purpose being gained.
QHHT has become increasingly popular in Australia, with many reporting significant insights and breakthroughs after just one session. To fully explore your subconscious mind and heal any existing issues, multiple sessions may be necessary.
When you request a QHHT session, a practitioner will consult your Subconscious Self (SC). They will ask the SC to identify the source of any issue and suggest possible ways of remedying it. Furthermore, your Subconscious Self can address any questions about health or well-being you may have.
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy (QHHA) has provided our practitioners with rigorous training and certification, in order to guarantee they deliver results. They must complete a rigorous training program while adhering to its standards of practice – this has all contributed to QHHT’s immense success here in Australia.
How does QHHT work?
QHHT was developed by Dolores Cannon as a past life regression technique that employs proven methods to regress subjects into somnambulistic states, giving access to information otherwise inaccessible during regular waking or conscious states. During each session, their subconscious chooses an experience from their past life that may offer lessons or reveal patterns of behavior which affect current-day existence.
Clients are guided into a comfortable and relaxed state during this process so that they may explore their soul journey, connect with their Higher Selves and spirit guides for wisdom, knowledge and answers to deepest questions, heal emotional wounds from both this and previous lives, promote holistic healing and promote holistic wellbeing.
QHHT sessions often leave clients feeling at peace with themselves and more aware of their purpose afterward. While QHHT can be an effective form of emotional healing, for maximum effectiveness it should be combined with other forms of wellness and personal growth practices like breathwork, yoga, meditation, healthy diet and practicing self-compassion and care for self. As with any form of hypnosis it is wise to consult a licensed medical provider or therapist if any further advice or treatment are required.
How can QHHT help me?
QHHT is an extremely powerful healing and transformation tool, capable of producing remarkable transformation across all areas of life. Clients seek help for everything from life-threatening illnesses and pain to depression and addictions as well as clarity about their purpose in this lifetime, or guidance from higher sources (God, Universe or Over Soul).
At a QHHT session, your practitioner will guide you into an inward-gaze state called Theta brain wave relaxation. We all experience Theta twice every day when we wake up and before sleeping – in these states of relaxation lies accessing your subconscious, the source of all wisdom.
QHHT sessions provide the opportunity to experience past lives or dimensions beyond our physical reality, giving participants insight into past lives or other dimensions beyond this world. Many find comfort connecting with loved ones who have passed on and receiving spiritual healing; other can gain information regarding career options or possible locations to move to, as well as strategies to overcome financial hurdles.
Your Higher Self will offer answers that are personalized to you and what is most needed at this point in time for your soul. Keeping an open mind and without expectations will allow for the richest experience.
What are the benefits of QHHT?
QHHT sessions provide clients with deep relaxation and an expansion of consciousness, helping them gain insight into their life purpose and talents, heal emotional scars from past lives, and reconnect with spiritual guides.
QHHT differs from traditional hypnosis in that it utilizes the power of your subconscious mind to access information, memories and healing for clients. Sessions allow people to uncover physical or emotional ailments that elude conventional medical treatments as well as facilitate connections with loved ones who have passed on.
An QHHT session begins with a short consultation call between practitioner and client in which they establish rapport while creating an environment in which clients feel safe opening up about themselves and sharing any concerns or thoughts that arise during the session.
After an initial conversation, clients are guided into a trance state which allows them to access their Higher Selves and understand their soul journey. Clients may pose any queries they have related to major challenges they are currently experiencing, while their Higher Self provides guidance and answers from within themselves.
QHHT works best when combined with holistic wellness practices like breathwork, meditation, healthy eating and self-care. It may also be used as an effective solution to address specific problems like work-related stress or finding new meaning in life.